Category archives for: Events

Sino-Singapore Project Workshop

The Ninth Meeting of the High-Level Working Matchmaking Meeting of the Joint Implementation Committee of the China-Singapore Connectivity Project (JIC) was held. The ninth meeting of the High-Level Working Matchmaking Meeting of the Sino-Singapore Connectivity Project Joint Implementation Committee was held on March 27th. The meeting discussed the main points of the work of the China-Singapo [...]

Western China (Chongqing) Science City:Accelerating the Transformation and Incubation of New Quality Productivity

Focusing on Efficient Academia and Industry Exchange Western China (Chongqing)Science City hosted activities such as the "Double Hundred and Double Progress", precise docking between schools and enterprises, the RoboMaster University Alliance Competition, National Robot Competition, and guidance for technology envoys to companies. The first national concept verification centre for cooperatio [...]

Integration and Empowerment of Digital Commerce:2024 Chongqing E-commerce Festival and the 6th Double Product Online Shopping Festival Officially Launched

In order to implement the Ministry of Commerce's "2024 Consumption Promotion Year" and the National E-commerce Work Conference, help cultivate new industry formats and models, and unleash the potential of digital consumption, the "2024 Chongqing 6.18 E-commerce Festival and the 6th Double Product Online Shopping Festival" was held from April 28 to June 28. This event closely follows the theme o [...]

Chongqing-Singapore Cooperation, Cooperation on Exporting

On February 28, the "Chongqing-Singapore Cooperation, Together to Overseas" Chongqing Enterprise Training Exchange was held at Chongqing Municipal Commerce Commission. Mr. Chua Zong Lun, Counsellor of the Industry Section of the Singapore Embassy in Beijing and Deputy Director of the Greater China Region of the Singapore Economic Development Board, relevant leaders and departments of Chongqing M [...]

Export Growth, Chongqing's "Three-News" in Foreign Trade

Exports are one of the three driving forces behind economic growth. In 2023, Chongqing's exports exceeded 470 billion CNY, with general exports reaching nearly 200 billion CNY, a year-on-year increase of 7.5%. This made a great contribution to Chongqing's GDP which exceeded 3 trillion CNY in 2023. However, the current international situation is complex, and Chongqing's foreign trade is also faci [...]

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