Category archives for: Chongqing Currents

Sino-Singapore Project Workshop

The Ninth Meeting of the High-Level Working Matchmaking Meeting of the Joint Implementation Committee of the China-Singapore Connectivity Project (JIC) was held. The ninth meeting of the High-Level Working Matchmaking Meeting of the Sino-Singapore Connectivity Project Joint Implementation Committee was held on March 27th. The meeting discussed the main points of the work of the China-Singapo [...]

Chongqing Creates Payment Facilitation Demonstration Area

Since the release of the Opinion of the General Office of the State Council on Further Optimizing Payment Services to Enhance Payment Convenience on March 7, Chongqing has been optimising payment services. The "Implementation Plan for Building a Payment Facilitation Demonstration Area" formulated by the Chongqing Branch of the People's Bank of China, the Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Munic [...]

Energizing Consumption-Chongqing Holds Third China Chongqing International Consumption Festival


Bringing together high-quality resources, improving supply and stimulating consumption. The Third China Chongqing International Consumer Festival was held from April 26 to May 31, integrating the city's unique consumer areas, fashion brands, and themed consumer promotion activities to boost the consumption market and accelerate the cultivation and construction of Chongqing as an international c [...]

Ministry of Commerce Applauds Chongqing!

On the morning of February 6, the State Council Information Office held a press conference on "ensuring market supply and promoting holiday consumption during the Spring Festival". When responding to a question from a CCTV reporter, Vice Minister of Commerce Sheng Qiuping specifically praised Chongqing's consumption environment. Sheng Qiuping stated that the Ministry of Commerce has designated t [...]

First in Inland China- Chongqing Xiyong Comprehensive Bonded Zone

Launched in 2010, Chongqing Xiyong Comprehensive Bonded Zone in Chongqing Xiyong Micro-electronics Industrial Park covers 7.58 sq. km and was the first comprehensive bonded zone in inland China and the largest comprehensive bonded zone nationwide. Chongqing Xiyong Comprehensive Bonded Zone, focuses on the development of new trade formats such as intelligent terminal industry, integrated circuit [...]

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