Category archives for: Business

Chongqing Ministry of Commerce Round-table Meeting for Foreign-funded Companies


To support the building of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, the MoC aims to listen to engage with the opinions of foreign-funded companies on investment in the Chengdu Chongqing region. Twenty six foreign-funded companies, including Ford Motor, Intel, Sumitomo Electric, Panasonic, Roche, Marriott, Lee & Man Paper, BASF, Metro AG, attended the meeting. Assistant Minister of Commerce, Ta [...]

Chongqing Creates Payment Facilitation Demonstration Area

Since the release of the Opinion of the General Office of the State Council on Further Optimizing Payment Services to Enhance Payment Convenience on March 7, Chongqing has been optimising payment services. The "Implementation Plan for Building a Payment Facilitation Demonstration Area" formulated by the Chongqing Branch of the People's Bank of China, the Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Munic [...]

Doctor Rosario Santa Gadea:Chongqing's Development is Worth Learning from South American Countries


Rosario Santa Gadea. Doctor of International Economics. Specialist in China and Asia-Pacific. Former Director of the Center for China and Asia-Pacific Studies at the University of the Pacific in Peru Doctor Rosario Santa Gadea, former director of the Center for China and Asia Pacific Studies at the University of the Pacific in Peru, is a renowned Latin American economist who mainly focus [...]

Chongqing Increased Support for the First-Store Model

In 2023, Chongqing attracted 31 national first-store brands, 111 regional first-store brands, and 327 urban first-store brands. Around 469 first-store brands opened in major shopping malls, commercial areas, and cultural and creative parks in Chongqing, a new high. On January 3, 2024, the Chongqing Municipal Commerce Commission held a press briefing on the policy interpretation of "Several Measu [...]

Business Environment - The Unique Attraction of Chongqing

Wang Nan Representative of Hong Kong Trade Development Council Chongqing Office The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) Chongqing Office will focus on the high-level meeting mechanism between Chongqing and Hong Kong as well as the strategic cooperation framework between the HKTDC and relevant departments in Chongqing, and will play to the strengths of Hong Kong companies according to the [...]

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