Application Guide of Foreigner’s Residence Permit for Private Affair (Visiting Relatives)

I. Application of Residence Permit (extension)   

The family members (which consist of spouses, parents, parents of spouses, children less than 18 years old) who have a long visit of the foreigners residing in Chongqing for work, study or other reasons or the foreigners who need to reside in Chongqing for other private affairs, can apply for a residence permit for private affair to the exit-entry administration authority of public security organ. They shall be present for the interview in person, and submit the following materials as required:

1. Valid passport and visa.

2. Accurate-filled Visa/Stay Permit/ Residence Permit Application Form in black ink, a recent taken two-inch visa photo and a valid Receipt of Exit-Entry Photograph gotten from a local photo studio authorized for digital exit-entry photographs.

3. The family members who have a long visit of the foreigners residing in Chongqing for work, study or other reasons:

 (1) Shall submit a marriage certificate, birth certificate or adoption certificate issued by the relevant national authority, a kindred certificate issued by the relevant street, police office or personnel department of a government agency unit or the country's embassy or consulate in China, or the relevant notarization, etc. In case foreigners visit the same person again, the kinship certificate and identity certificate of the visited person are not required if they are biological family. 

(2) Shall submit the first and visa pages of the effective passport of the visited person and the relevant work evidentiary materials.

(3) Shall submit the evidentiary letter issued by the visited person (it is required to clarify the kinship with the visited person and the complete name of the work unit of the visited person, and provide a guarantee about the living expenses of the visiting person and his obeying Chinese laws during his stay in China).

4. The family members who have a long visit of the foreigners residing in Chongqing for study:

 (1) Shall submit a marriage certificate, birth certificate or adoption certificate issued by the relevant national authority, a kindred certificate issued by the relevant street, police office or personnel department of a government agency unit or the country's embassy or consulate in China, or the relevant notarization, etc. In case foreigners visit the same person again, the kinship certificate and identity certificate of the visited person are not required if they are biological family.

(2) Shall submit the first and visa pages of the effective passport of the visited person.

(3) Shall submit the evidentiary letter issued by the visited person (it is required to clarify the kinship with the visited person and the complete name of the school of the visited person, and provide a guarantee about the living expenses of the visiting person and his obeying Chinese laws during his stay in China).

5. Other personnel involved in private affairs shall submit the evidentiary materials concerning handling private affairs (e.g., treatment and adoption, legacy inheritance, participation in lawsuits and other affairs) or humanitarian reasons.

6. The foreigners, who are more than 18 years old and are applying for a residence permit for the first time, shall submit a health certificate issued by a domestic inspection and quarantine department in the past 6 months.

II. Application for Re-issuance of Residence Permit

The foreigners, whose residence permit has been lost, damaged, stolen or robbed, can go to the exit-entry administration authority of public security organ to apply for re-issuing an exit-entry permit. They shall be present for the interview in person. In addition to submitting all the materials stipulated in the Residence Permit Application, the following materials shall be also submitted:

1. For applicants whose residence permits are lost or stolen: a certificate of loss report of passport or a diplomatic note presented by their states’ embassies or consulates to China and a new passport.

2. For applicants whose residence permits are damaged: the damaged passport or a diplomatic note presented by their states’ embassies or consulates to China and a new passport.

III. Tips

1. Before applying for foreigner’s exit-entry permit, it is required that the  residence registration of foreigners has been completed at the  residence place (in case of residence at hotel, the  residence registration shall be handled at the reception, and in case of residence at places other than hotel, the lodger or the applicant shall handle the residence registration at the police substation of the residence place within 24h after arriving at the residence place), and it is unnecessary to submit the registration evidence.

2. The originals of all the application materials shall be submitted for inspection, with the copy kept (A4 paper).

3. In case the evidentiary material has been provided by the corresponding overseas organization, it is required to be authenticated by our country’s embassy and consulate in a foreign country; in case the evidentiary material is in foreign language, it shall be translated into Chinese by a qualified translation company.

4. The personnel, who hasn’t canceled their Chinese household registration yet, shall re-apply after canceling it. The registered residence cancellation certificate issued by the relevant police office shall be submitted, when necessary.

5. Those applying for an extension of the residence permit shall submit the application 30 days before the expiration of the residence permit.

6. If any registration item of the residence permit changes, the applicant shall apply for handling the change within 10 days from the date of occurrence of the change and submit the relevant certificates at the same time.

7. When the applicant’s passport or other international travel documents are received and kept for handling a visa document, he can, within 15 workdays, stay legally within the territory of China with the acceptance receipt.

8. The Chinese of foreign nationality involved in enjoying more favorable visa policy convenience (the Chinese of foreign nationality include: the foreigners who have had a Chinese nationality; the foreigners whose parents or grandparents have or have had a Chinese nationality), shall submit the relevant evidence concerning their having had a Chinese nationality or their parents' or grandparents’ having or having had a Chinese nationality (e.g., the original passport of People’s the Republic of China, identity card, household register certificate, household register cancellation certificate, expatriation certificate of the People’s Republic of China, etc.); those who have never had a Chinese nationality shall also submit a kinship certificate.

9. The teenager, whose parent(s) is(are) Chinese and who is less than 18 years old and is applying for a visa document with foreign passport in China for the first time, shall submit the original and a copy of his birth certificate (an overseas certificate shall be authenticated and translated), a copy of the foreign passport of the foreign parent(s) as well as the original and a copy of the identity certificate of the Chinese parent(s); in case a teenager was born at abroad, the original and a copy of the Chinese passport and visa or permanent residence certificate of the Chinese parent(s) at the time of his birth shall also be submitted. For a teenager who has been confirmed as having a Chinese nationality, no visa will be issued, but an exit-entry permit of the People’s Republic of China can be handled according to the relevant provisions.

10. The unit issuing the invitation letter shall be held responsible for the authenticity of the content of the invitation.

11. The exit-entry administration authority of public security organ can verify the authenticity of the purpose of application through interview, telephone enquiry, on-site investigation, etc., or requires that other supplementary materials (economic source certificates, certificates on changes of name or other information, enterprise business certificates, etc.) are submitted. In case the interview isn’t accepted or the materials are not submitted at the agreed time, no visa document will be signed and issued unless there are causes of force majeure.

12. Decisions made by the exit-entry administration of public security organ on rejecting applications for visa extension or re-issuance, or on not issuing foreigners’ stay or residence permits or not extending the duration of residence shall be final.

IV. Completion Time Limit

The procedure shall complete within 15 workdays upon complete and eligible materials (excluding investigation time).

 V. Charging Standards:

(1) Residence permit valid within one year: 400 yuan;

(2) Residence permit valid from one year (including) to three years: 800 yuan;

(3) Residence permit valid from three years (including) to five years (including): 1000 yuan.

See the Notice of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance on the Charging Standards for Residence Permit of Foreigners and the Related Issues (FGJG [2004] No. 2230).