
Located on the northern bank of the confluence of the Yangtze and Jialing Rivers, Jiangbei District in Chongqing stretches in a strip from west to east, covering an area of 220.8 square kilometers. It has a permanent population of 945,000 and an urbanization rate of 99.4%.

Jiangbei is a convergence point for six national strategies: the Belt and Road Initiative, the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the Western Development Strategy, the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin City Economic Circle, the Pilot Free Trade Zone, and the China-Singapore (Chongqing) Connectivity Initiative. It serves as the core functional area of Chongqing's urban center and the core area of the two rivers and four banks. Focusing on ensuring stability and taking on the dual responsibilities of finance and consumption, the district is committed to becoming the preferred location for building an international consumer center city. In 2023, Jiangbei was the only urban area in the main city to be selected as one of the first batch of leading counties in national county-level commercial development. It ranked first in the region in terms of total GDP, GDP contribution, and tax contribution in the commercial sector, leading all administrative districts in the western region in terms of total commodity sales.

Overview of Jiangbeizui Peninsula

Inland International Logistics Hub

Jiangbei is actively developing into an inland international logistics hub, serving as a vital node in China's Belt and Road Initiative and the Yangtze River Economic Belt. It boasts Guoyuan Port, the largest inland "water-rail-road" intermodal hub in the country. It is the only inland comprehensive bonded zone with dual functions of water and air transport, featuring the Two Rivers Guoyuan Port, and the national-level railway hub station, Yuzui Station. With its integrated transportation advantages of "road, rail, water, air, and rail," and a well-established multimodal transportation system, it seamlessly connects international logistics arteries such as the China-Europe Railway Express, the Western Land-Sea New Channel, the Yangtze River Golden Waterway, and the Chongqing-Manzhouli-Russia Freight Train. This forms an open pattern of inward radiation and global connectivity. In 2023, Jiangbei's total foreign trade import and export volume remained among the top three in the city, with its import volume ranking second in the city.

Guoyuan Port Container Terminal

The Preferred Area for an International Consumer Centre

Jiangbei is striving to become a centre for building an international consumer center city. From the allure of Jin Street to distinctive night markets, from cultural and creative bases to trendy landmarks, the concentration of international consumption has become a driving force for economic and social development. Six major gathering areas including Guanyinqiao Business District, Jiangbei CBD, Cuntan International New Town, Beibin Road Economic Belt, Guoyuan Port, and Wubao International Eco-Sports City are complementing each other, with Jiangbei now hosting over 2,600 outbound-oriented enterprises, nearly 200 international first-line brands, and close to a hundred commercial headquarters. In 2023, Jiangbei ranked among the top three in the city in terms of total retail sales of consumer goods, ranked first in terms of online retail sales, recorded the fastest growth rate in the catering industry, and the second fastest growth rate in the accommodation industry.

Guanyinqiao is focusing on creating a world-class and globalized commercial area. It is the first "Famous Commercial Street in China" in Southwestern China, the only "National AAAA level Urban Tourism Scenic Area" in Western China, and a national level tourism and leisure block. During the Mid-autumn Festival and the National Day holiday, the daily foot traffic exceeded one million. In 2023, it became one of the top-ten night-market commercial areas and the most popular consumer area in China.

Cuntan International New Town

Wubao International Ecological Sports Town

Guanyinqiao Commercial Area

Jiangbeizui CBD

Beibin Road Economic Belt

Guoyuan Port

Guanyinqiao International Commercial Area